Web design

When Diana joined POLITICO in 2015, she had very little experience working online. Within a week, she was running the homepage, and in late 2017, she took the lead in the homepage redesign. Here’s a look at that effort.  Click here for more design examples.


Politico redesign

One of Diana’s biggest accomplishments at POLITICO was managing the 2018 redesign of the homepage, including troubleshooting all new features, creating a user guide, working with developers to improve functionality, and training the staff. (The debut site is pictured above.) While Diana didn’t get involved in the process until after the final design was approved, she inserted herself into the project during the development phase, insisting that it needed insight from the newsroom’s production team to be a success. Among the tasks she took on:

  • Being among the first people trained on the new homepage so she could troubleshoot all the features, recommend changes to improve the user experience, and train the production staff
  • Organizing a four-week training process for seven web editors and producers, including giving them one-on-one assistance and written critiques
  • Designing dozens of mockups for each section of the page and convening key stakeholders to get final approval
  • Tracking bugs and design requests with the product team
  • Writing a detailed, visual guide to the redesigned homepage, and updating it as features were added/dropped off

Below are just a few of her homepage designs.