POLITICO quizzes

Diana wrote weekly news quizzes for POLITICO for the six months leading up to the 2016 election. She produced them from start to finish: writing the questions, finding the photos, building the quizzes online, and promoting them on social media. While the quiz-building platform POLITICO used wiped out the old interactive quizzes a year ago, here are two examples of her work.

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What did Trump challenge Obama to in a quest to win the presidency? And 11 other questions from the news

(August 5, 2016)

Mud-slinging on the campaign trail. The return of the birther conspiracy. And a Trump comment that caused members of his party to withdraw endorsements. How well have you been following this week’s political news? Take POLITICO’s quiz to find out, then share your result and compare scores on Twitter by tagging @POLITICO with the hashtag #PoliticoQuiz.

1. What Trump product did Hillary Clinton use as a prop to criticize him during a campaign stop in Denver?
a. Tie
b. Steak
c. Shirt
d. Cuff links

2. Rebutting statements made by Khizr Khan, Donald Trump said he has made a lot of sacrifices, including _________.
a. Getting divorced twice
b. Spending time away from his children
c. Creating thousands of jobs
d. Donating money to charity

3. What item is House Speaker Paul Ryan holding up in one of the “must-see” July photos his office released?
a. Gold Star pin
b. Stick American flag
c. Pocket Constitution
d. Green Bay Packers jersey

4. At a campaign stop with Hillary Clinton in Nebraska, which billionaire challenged Donald Trump to release his tax returns?
a. Mark Cuban
b. Michael Bloomberg
c. Meg Whitman
d. Warren Buffett

5. “There is something about him I do like,” Donald Trump said of which politician?
a. Barack Obama
b. Bill Clinton
c. Tim Kaine
d. Paul Ryan

6. Which Pennsylvania city did Donald Trump say “looked like a war zone” from the window of his plane?
a. Allentown
b. Scranton
c. Philadelphia
d. Harrisburg

7. Her comment on what topic earned Hillary Clinton “4 Pinocchios” from the Washington Post's fact-checker this week?
a. Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal
b. $400 million payment to Iran
c. FBI’s probe into her emails
d. DNC hacked emails supporting her candidacy

8. Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski suggested that President Obama might be concealing his true birthplace by withholding what?
a. Harvard University transcripts
b. Elementary school report cards
c. First driver’s license
d. First Baskin-Robbins paystub

9. Who is Louis Dorfman?
a. The newly named vice presidential candidate of the Green Party
b. The man who gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart
c. The Democratic National Committee CEO who resigned after the hacking scandal
d. The baby who was kicked out of a Trump rally

10. During a Libertarian Party town hall on CNN, presidential nominee Gary Johnson admitted his “head’s been in the sand” on which issue?
a. Women’s rights
b. Zika virus
c. Campaign finance
d. Racial discrimination

11. What is the occupation of political novice Roger Marshall, who beat three-term incumbent Tim Huelskamp in the Kansas House primary?
a. Obstetrician
b. Oncologist
c. Optometrist
d. Orthopedist

12. Donald Trump said he’d be sure to win the White House if he challenged President Barack Obama to a game of ________.
a. Basketball
b. Golf
c. Poker
d. Battleship

a. Tie; 2. c. Creating thousands of jobs; 3. c. Pocket Constitution; 4. d. Warren Buffett; 5. a. Barack Obama; 6. d. Harrisburg; 7. c. FBI's probe into her emails; 8. a. Harvard University transcripts; 9. b. The man who gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart; 10. d. Racial discrimination; 11. a. Obstetrician; 12. b. Golf

How did you do?

  • True politico (80-100%) Strut your stuff! You are a true politico who is so in-the-know, you’ve likely been name-dropped in Playbook.

  • Average job approval (60-79%) Not bad! There were some highs and some lows, but you did a respectable job. Continue to visit politico.com to get the latest political news.

  • Poll tumbler (59% and under) So, you’ve taken a tumble in the polls – er on this quiz – but there’s always next week. Be sure to visit politico.com to get the latest political news.

What did Harry Reid challenge Donald Trump to do? And 11 other questions from the news

(August 19, 2016)

A shakeup in the Trump campaign. An Obamacare setback. And some good old-fashioned harmonica playing by guess-who. How well have you been following this week’s political news? Take POLITICO’s quiz to find out, then share your result and compare scores on Twitter by tagging @POLITICO with the hashtag #PoliticoQuiz.

1. Donald Trump’s newly named campaign CEO comes from which media organization?
a. New York Post
b. Drudge Report
c. National Review
d. Breitbart News

2. The likelihood of Donald Trump changing his ways is comparable to _________, according to Republican consultant Mike Murphy.
a. A blizzard on the Fourth of July
b. A dog playing the piano
c. A mermaid and leprechaun racing on unicorns
d. A pig riding a bicycle

3. Whose late-night TV program was canceled?
a. Conan O’Brien
b. Larry Wilmore
c. Samantha Bee
d. James Corden

4. What did Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid challenge Donald Trump to do?
a. Release his tax returns
b. Go a week without insulting anyone
c. Take a naturalization test
d. Live on food stamps for a month

5. The Republican National Committee kicked off a social media campaign in an effort to mend the party’s relationship with which community?
a. Hispanic
b. Female
d. Black

6. Which health insurance company, which is seeking to merge with Humana, said it was backing out of most of its Obamacare markets?
a. UnitedHealthcare
b. Anthem
c. Cigna
d. Aetna

7. Why did Donald Trump say he wanted retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn at his side when he got his first classified briefing?
a. He was afraid it would be a fake briefing
b. To provide “clarification” on certain issues
c. He doesn’t trust intelligence information
d. He wouldn’t say; he told reporters his reason was “classified”

8. Mike Pence faced boos at a rally after he defended which governor who has declined to endorse Donald Trump?
a. John Kasich
b. Larry Hogan
c. Susana Martinez
d. Charlie Baker

9. The attorney general of which state resigned from office a day after being convicted of multiple perjury and obstruction charges?
a. California
b. Pennsylvania
c. Mississippi
d. New York

10. Which popular bluegrass song did Tim Kaine play on his harmonica during a campaign stop at an Asheville, N.C., brewery?
a. “Wagon Wheel”
b. “I’ll Fly Away”
c. “White House Blues”
d. “Pig in a Pen”

11. Donald Trump is planning to launch his first barrage of TV ads in four states on Friday. Which is NOT one of them?
a. Ohio
b. Wisconsin
c. Pennsylvania
d. Florida 

12. Whom did Hillary Clinton choose to lead her White House transition team?
a. Ken Salazar
b. Jennifer Granholm
c. Tom Donilon
d. Tom Vilsack

1. d. Breitbart News; 2. b. A dog playing the piano; 3. b. Larry Wilmore; 4. c. Take a naturalization test; 5. a. Hispanic; 6. d. Aetna; 7. c. He doesn’t trust intelligence information; 8. c. Susana Martinez; 9. b. Pennsylvania; 10. a. “Wagon Wheel”; 11. b. Wisconsin; 12. a. Ken Salazar

How did you do?

  • True politico (80-100%) Strut your stuff! You are a true politico who is so in-the-know, you’ve likely been name-dropped in Playbook.

  • Average job approval (60-79%) Not bad! There were some highs and some lows, but you did a respectable job. Continue to visit politico.com to get the latest political news.

  • Poll tumbler (59% and under) So, you’ve taken a tumble in the polls – er on this quiz – but there’s always next week. Be sure to visit politico.com to get the latest political news.